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NAET Allergy Elimination

NAET® was discovered by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad in 1983. Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques, also known as NAET, are a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to alleviate allergies of all types and intensities using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine. One allergen/sensitivity is treated at a time in a systematic approach.

Additional information about NAET can be found at

Live Cell Microscopy

Live cell microscopy is an assessment tool where a drop of blood from an individual’s finger is placed on a microscope slide and is viewed under a darkfield microscope at a magnification of over 1000 times. The image is displayed on a TV monitor and is visible to both the practitioner and the client.

The blood acts similar to a river; transporting nutrients and oxygen and other essential agents to maintain health within the body. It is also a means for detoxification and transports wastes to the liver and kidneys for elimination. Blood is able to act as a forecaster of health and can indicate imbalances before actual symptoms of disease appear. As you undergo the protocol given to you by your practitioner, you will be able to clearly track your progress as you see positive changes in your live cell analysis.

Live Cell Microscopy Can Show:

  • The condition of red blood cells

  • Immune system function

  • Liver, kidney, heart, lung, prostate, uterine and other organ stress

  • Free radial damage to the blood cells and need for antioxidants

  • Dehydration

  • The pH balance of the body

  • Blood coagulation

  • Parasites, fungal and bacterial forms

  • Excess proteins and undigested fats

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies

  • Low oxygen levels and poor circulation

  • Inflammation

  • Indications of heavy metal toxicity

Electrodermal Screening

Dr. Reinhold Voll, MD, a German physician, developed the first electrodermal system, called the Dermatron, in the 1950's and his pracitice became known as Electroacupuncture of Voll (EAV).  


While electrodermal screening is not a tool used to diagnose disease, it allows the practitioner to determine areas and organ systems within the body which are inflamed or stressed from a different viewpoint called bioenergetics. It is then used to gain a deeper understanding of what is causing inflammation such as toxicity from infection, heavy metals, chemical exposure,  allergies or emotional patterns.Electrodermal screening can also be used to determine Food and environmental sensitivities and intolerances which can have a dramatic impact on overall health. Identifying and eliminating them through electrodermal screening (EDS) can be a powerful step on your healing path.


Electrodermal screening can then be used to screen different natural remedies to determine which ones will be helpful in returning the body to a normal balance.





Nutritional Counselling & Holistic Nutrition

Nutritional therapists view health and disease from a holistic standpoint analysing the client as a whole rather than working on the health condition or disease itself. Through various assessment techniques, Chantelle analyses her clients to isolate specific issues and deficiencies within the body aiming to pinpoint root causes of illness. She then develops an individualized protocol with her client that involves many modalities including homeopathic, nutrition, naturopathic, and lifestyle recommendations. Recommendations include the use of foundational foods as well as remedies from herbs, plants, minerals, vitamins, and homeopathic substances.

Biochemical individuality is the term that denotes how we differ nutritionally. Each individual client needs the same food factors however each person is unique in their requirements for each nutrient. Some individuals have unusually high needs for certain nutrients due to inborn metabolic weaknesses. Many individuals have highly stressful lifestyles which place high nutritional demands on our bodies. Every client is recognized as an individual and as such has unique needs in order to reach optimal health. Chantelle holds two designations as a Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner as well as Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner and as such, Chantelle works to determine these needs and devise individualized protocols for each client.  

Heavy Metal & Mineral Testing

High levels of toxic elements can have a dramatic affect on your health. Our bodies can not utilize vitamins and other nutrients without a correct balance in minerals, even in trace amounts. Proper mineral balance is essential to avoid chronic fatigue, weight loss/gain, headaches, depression and osteoperosis. Mineral imbalances have also been linked to oxidative stress that can lead to some cancers.

The presence of toxic metals in the body has been implicated in the onset of chronic ailments such as Alzheimer's disease, ADD/ADHD, diabetes, autism and Parkinson's disease as well as infertility and miscarriage. 

Today's standard diet for Canadians has become devoid of adequate quantities of essential minerals. When mineral deficiencies occur, toxic metals often replace these vital minerals in the body. Because of today's highly industrialized society, we are exposed to toxic metals everyday.  

An affordable, non-invasive Hair Mineral Analysis can help establish a nutritional profile to be used to guide in the development of an effective wellness and nutritional balancing regimen.

Hair Mineral Analysis is a screening test to measure the levels of up to 60 essential minerals and toxic metals. Our toxic metal screening includes lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel and aluminum and up to 60 essential minerals and minerals screened include calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, selenium iron and cobalt. 

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